The importance of a stand-out resume cannot be overstated — it is the candidate’s first impression on a hiring leader. Even in the accounting industry, where the unemployment rate is significantly lower than the national unemployment rate, a polished resume is critical.
Executive recruiters see a lot of resumes and regularly receive honest feedback from hiring leaders about the resumes presented to them.
Any jobseeker can take these five simple actions to ensure their resume stands out.
Ensure that the resume does not have any spelling or grammar errors before it is sent to a recruiter or attached to a job application. Many free websites will review resumes and make suggestions on what to edit — utilize these sites! Additionally, having another person read over the resume with a fresh set of eyes may uncover any information gaps.
A resume should be one or two pages with relevant experience listed in reverse chronological order. It can be difficult to squeeze all work experience into one or two pages, but putting the most relevant experience first and reducing information from earlier experiences is a great way to keep it short. The document’s margin settings can also be adjusted to free up extra space.
Lately, there has been an increase in resumes with inconsistent formatting throughout the document. It is important that a resume looks clean. Take some time and double check for consistency in the types of font used, text color, spacing, bold/italics, use of bullet points, etc. One common mistake seen in resumes is some bullet points end with a period and others do not. Attention to detail is an important characteristic of successful candidates, and small mistakes like this stand out to anyone reviewing a resume.
Ensure any hyperlinks are working properly. The most common links seen on resumes are LinkedIn profile links and email addresses, but in some cases, the link is no longer active or the hyperlink is broken. Ensure that these links are directing readers to the right place and have the most up-to-date information.
The bullet points on a resume should be detailed and utilize strong action verbs. Common feedback from hiring leaders is that the resume looks like a to-do list. Ensure that any bullet points are well thought out and reflect the candidate’s specific experience in the position.
Due to the volume of applications received for open roles, it is common for hiring leaders to pass on qualified candidates based on their resume errors alone. Having a resume that looks clean and is free from errors is a great way to stand out to employers and shows that the candidate has invested the time and effort to prepare a great resume.
To learn more about how jobseekers can find a role that aligns with their passions, please reach out to GHJ Search and Staffing.