The evolution of the traditional workforce has made a significant impact on how GHJ (GHJ) finds and retains top talent. With this evolving workforce, GHJ had two options: 1) resist and risk losing great talent or 2) lean into and embrace the changes.

GHJ chose to embrace those changes, and the first step was to collaborate with The Mom Project. The Mom Project is rewriting the working mom narrative by connecting accomplished women with the flexible job opportunities they need to thrive and providing top companies with experienced, superior talent.

Mothers are a major growth engine in the economy and yet 43 percent of skilled American women leave the workplace after becoming mothers. By collaborating with The Mom Project, GHJ has an opportunity to change that. GHJ is committed to supporting professionals to build careers AND families.

Below is a blog written by Cindy Bischof discussing her journey as a 100-percent remote employee who was hire through GHJ’s collaboration with The Mom Project.

When my first daughter Elle was born in 2012, I went back to work with the expectation I would be able to obtain a flexible work arrangement. Unfortunately, the department I worked in at the time moved away from such arrangements and that option was no longer available to me. Not having the work-life balance I was seeking, I made the difficult decision to pause my career. This was disappointing to me, as I think that a part-time work arrangement would have provided the balance between the professional and personal goals I had sought.

My second daughter Emma arrived in 2014. As she was approaching kindergarten, I began analyzing the options for me returning to the work force. I knew my ideal scenario of finding a 100-percent remote opportunity would be quite difficult to attain, if not impossible. However, I could not believe my luck when The Mom Project sent me an email regarding a 100-percent remote audit position with flexible hours!

The Mom Project focuses on connecting professionally accomplished moms with employers who value them, creating opportunities that benefit both. GHJ’s commitment to women and the #BeMore initiative is clearly supported by its relationship with The Mom Project. GHJ is on the forefront of adapting to changes in the workforce and creating new work opportunities and arrangements that fit the modern worker.

I cannot say enough how much I have enjoyed my experience thus far at the firm. Everyone has been so kind and helpful as I have come on board. I really appreciate the thought and effort that was put into the remote training program that is sure to benefit others as they come on board. The work, flexibility and the people have all been as advertised!

GHJ’s IT department did an amazing job sending me everything that I needed prior to my initial trip out to LA! Those nice, big monitors are my favorite!

Lower right is my officemate, Lola, who “works” with me in the office every day, and about 20 feet out the front door is the bus stop where I will be able to get my kids on and off the bus.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my two daughters and husband. We live about 40 miles outside of Chicago. It is far away enough for us to have that small-city feel my husband and I were looking for but close enough for us to be able to experience all the wonderful things Chicago has to offer. We enjoy museums, zoos, festivals and kids sports.

I am so grateful I found this opportunity and look forward to my future at GHJ!