Beyond the Numbers: GHJ Guides Client Through a Successful Transaction

Beyond the Numbers: GHJ Guides Client Through a Successful Transaction

Discover how GHJ's Transaction Advisory Services expertly guided Digital Media Management through a complex yearlong sale, enhancing the company's value and securing a strategic acquisition.


  1. Comprehensive TAS services through the yearlong sale process
  2. Significant non-technical support to present options, analyze risk, negotiate terms and structure and ensure a smooth transaction
  3. Negotiation support that led to a significant increase in valuation


GHJ’s Transaction Advisory Services professionals understand that every deal is comprised of a unique set of circumstances. There are nuances and several stakeholders involved in a sales process, and a strong advisor could make a huge difference in closing a deal.

In the case of Digital Media Management, the company needed a trusted advisor that could not only provide deep technical knowledge and support, but also guide them through the sales process beyond the technical services required.

Digital Media Management is a social media marketing agency whose client base includes movie studios, streaming platforms, entertainment brands and video game publishers.

GHJ was engaged in early 2022 as the company considered its options and embarked upon a sale process.


GHJ was initially engaged to provide a quality of earnings analysis. As the transaction progressed, GHJ developed a close relationship with the management and ownership teams and provided support and guidance on how to approach the transaction. This relationship grew to include thought partnership, with GHJ working with third-party advisors, navigating contentious items, conducting risk analysis and providing other general non-technical support and guidance.

GHJ’s experts supported Digital Media Management and its owner through the yearlong process. They provided significant support for all aspects of the transaction — not just the original services requested.


Partnering with Digital Media Management throughout the entire sales process allowed GHJ to identify additional beneficial opportunities and be their true advocate. GHJ’s team helped the client negotiate valid earnings adjustments, which led to warranted increases in the company’s valuation. GHJ also advised the ownership team on transaction structure and areas of risk.

The company completed a successful transaction in March 2023. Digital Media Management was acquired by Keywords Studios, joining Keywords’ catalog of holistic marketing solutions for the entertainment and video game sectors.

With GHJ’s help, Digital Media Management was able to find a buyer that provides growth opportunities and alignment on goals, culture and strategic direction, with attractive economics to all parties.

“When approaching the sale, I wanted to make sure Digital Media Management and my team’s legacy were in safe hands,” explained Luigi Picarazzi, Digital Media Management Founder. “GHJ’s team guided me through a lengthy sales process, counselled me on available options, various different considerations and identified ways to accurately advocate for my company’s valuation which were supported and defended through the transaction process.”

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your GHJ advisor
or call us at 310.873.1600