
Ten years ago, no one would have thought we’d be looking at an industry where streaming video is poised to become the dominant distribution channel for television and video; multi-channel networks drive a huge percentage of content creation, people use their cell phones to consume enormous amounts of content and there are virtually no international borders for distribution. I could go on, but it’s clear that change drives entertainment. Are you thinking ahead of change, or are you following it?

The 2016 CalCPA Entertainment Industry Conference offers the opportunity to hear from industry experts about what you need to know to stay prepared for the changes we can foresee — and those we don’t. Solid business practices are the base we all need to anticipate and respond to the inevitable changes coming our way, and conference sessions include foundational topics like business management best practices, changes to domestic and international tax laws, and branding. Plus, we’ll look at leading edge topics like virtual reality, social media, globalization and philanthropy. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from an important entertainment industry leader during lunch, as we’ve done so successfully in previous years. You’ll walk away better prepared for what’s now and for what’s next.

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Ilan Haimoff

Ilan Haimoff, CPA, CIA, CFE, CFF, is GHJ’s Entertainment Practice Leader. He has over 30 years of expertise in entertainment forensic accounting and his specialty in profit participation and forensic accounting makes him a trusted advisor for talent and producers alike for many years. Ilan’s role…Learn More