Up next on our Movie Business Podcast Series with hosts Ilan Haimoff, partner at GHJ, and Jason E. Squire, professor at USC School of Cinematic Arts and editor of The Movie Business Book Fourth Edition, is an interview with Entertainment Analysts Harold L. Vogel. This installment dives into the financial outlook of the entertainment industry after the COVID-19 pandemic. Vogel is the author of Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis Tenth Edition and author of a chapter in The Movie Business Book titled “Analyzing Movie Companies.”

Click here to listen to these entertainment experts make sense of the complex world of financial analysis with key insights about what the movie business will look like after the pandemic.

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Ilan Haimoff

Ilan Haimoff, CPA, CIA, CFE, CFF, is GHJ’s Entertainment Practice Leader. He has over 30 years of expertise in entertainment forensic accounting and his specialty in profit participation and forensic accounting makes him a trusted advisor for talent and producers alike for many years. Ilan’s role…Learn More