GHJ Entertainment Practice Leader to Moderate Webinar on Business Trends in the Animation Industry

GHJ Entertainment Practice Leader Ilan Haimoff will moderate an upcoming American Bar Association webinar on business and legal trends in the animation industry. The webinar takes place on Thursday, May 16 at 10 a.m. PDT.

The webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the development and sales processes and address essential topics such as complex rights questions and the structuring of deals for creators, producers and talent. Ilan will be joined by industry veterans Jody Simon of Fox Rothschild and Scott Agostoni, and their discussion should offer a multifaceted perspective on the animation sector.

Haimoff is recognized as a trusted expert in the complexities of entertainment deal-making and rights management. As the host of GHJ’s Media Clips Podcast, Ilan is known as a thought leader in the entertainment industry.

This event is essential for anyone looking to understand the intricate details of the animation industry from some of its most seasoned professionals. Click here to learn more and register for this webinar.