The GHJ Entertainment Newsletter contains content related to the people, news and business issues we see in our day-to-day service to the industry.
In This Issue
- The Alan Ladd Case Motion picture distributors, or studios, often license motion pictures and television products to domestic and international television exhibitors in batches or packages. The value negotiated for these packages as well as the values assigned to the individual titles within the packages have long been an area of contention between profit participants and studio distributors.
- Retransmission Royalties Retransmission royalties are one of the best-kept secrets in the television and entertainment industry. Over $300 million in retransmission royalties are collected annually in the United States. So what are retransmission royalties and who is entitled to distributions?
- An Inside View of Royalty and Merchandise Audits Ilan Haimoff, Principal at GHJ, and Jeff Korcheck, VP of Legal and Business Affairs of Mattel, Inc., presented insights into royalty and merchandise audits to students at the Pepperdine University School of Law, including discussing negotiation and execution of merchandising agreements as well as a case study from Mattel.
- Green Hasson Janks at the CalCPA Entertainment Industry Conference The 2013 CalCPA Entertainment Industry Conference was held on June 12, 2013, and featured various panels on critical entertainment topics including the growth of new media, China’s entertainment industry, and various international tax matters.
- Meeting Minions and Others at Licensing Expo GHJ’ Royalty & Contract Audit practice traveled to Las Vegas for the annual Licensing Expo, where they got a chance to get a first-hand look at the latest in merchandising and entertainment.