GHJ Leaders Discuss Nonprofit Boards in Diversity Professional

GHJ leaders Derrick Coleman and Donella Wilson were recently published in Diversity Professional sharing their perspectives on how nonprofits can create a more inclusive board. In this article they share seven tactics nonprofits should consider when assembling their board, as well as the roadblocks nonprofits often face in their effort to be more diverse.

Derrick Coleman, GHJ Search and Staffing Practice Leader, has more than 20 years of business experience and regularly assists companies in hiring. Derrick is a board member of several nonprofits, including the Downtown Women’s Center, Godiss Love and GHJ Foundation. A graduate of the African American Board Leadership Institute, Derrick recently shared his experience as a Black board member on the Nonprofit Lowdown podcast.

Donella Wilson, GHJ Nonprofit Practice Leader, is a trusted advisor to the nonprofit community. Donella has served on the board of several nonprofits, including 13 years at the Downtown Women’s Center, and currently serves as the President and Chief Philanthropy Officer of GHJ Foundation. Donella has written about nonprofits for the Los Angeles Business Journal, Philanthropy News Digest and GHJ’s Nonprofit blog.

Read the full article here.